Coaching Saints Store

Prayer As A Place

by Charles Bello

Paperback: $15.00 + S&H
E-book (.mobi or .epub): $9.99

Pastor Bello's important book, Prayer as a Place, calls you to ongoing communion with the triune God and transformation by His presence. This veteran pastor challenges us to weld together the good works' motivation of evangelicals with the inward life of the monastics. There is a growing library of newer books on the value of spiritual disciplines, but Prayer as a Place is somehow unique. Guaranteed: Your walk with Christ will be forever enriched by reading this book.

David Shibley
Author of "A Force in the Earth"
Founder and president of Global Advance

I found this book very accessible and practical. Reading this book is like having a conversation with Charles; his pastoral gift really comes through.

Dr. Donna McCoy
Psychologist, Educator, and Spiritual Director

Charles Bello has a marvelous gift that enables him to present timeless truths in as easy to read, contemporary manner. His new book, Prayer as a Place, gives a clear and concise challenge for believers to return to the ancient practice of biblical, contemplative prayer. It comes across as a relaxed read, yet it's a refreshing word in a weary world. It is a must read for all serious believers.

John Chasteen
Assistant Dean Southwestern Christian University Graduate School, Bethany Oklahoma
Columnist for Charisma and Ministry Today Magazines

I have known Charles for almost 30 years. He is a passionate disciple following Jesus wholeheartedly. He knows the victories and joys of experiencing the power of Christ, the disillusionment and pain of fractured friendships, challenging hard decisions and his own inward brokenness. All of this has shaped him into the man that he is. This book is an invitation and a roadmap into a transformational relationship with Christ.

Martin Buehlman
Church planter and National Director of the Vineyard Churches in Germany, Austria, Switzerland

Prayer as a Place, written by Charles Bello is a practical down-to-earth manual on contemplative prayer which will transform us ordinary folk. I can almost hear Charles as he asked Jesus to teach him to pray and see him as he received Jesus' words to give us these results from his pen as he scribbled down every last word that Jesus said on this great topic. Charles has captured a fresh new way to look at Prayer as a Place and gives us an inspiring method to approach many of the old tools such as Lectio Divina, Journaling and the Examen. If you are struggling with your prayer life or just want a new fresh way to begin or want to help your small group, Prayer as a Place is a must read.

Judy Davids
Pastoral Counselor, Educator, Retreat Leader

Charles Bello's honest transparent journey to intimacy with God will be a great encouragement to many. As a pastor/leader he wrestles with the common struggles of identity and security. By applying three dimensions of prayer he shares his journey into inner peace and fulfillment.

Dr. Garnet E. Pike
Dean Southwestern Christian University Graduate School, Bethany Oklahoma
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